Sunday, June 7, 2009

Big Training Weekend....and a new agent

A big weekend of training. Not really a big one on the plan but I really had a fun weekend. Friday night I went and swam after work - not really long but pretty intense for almost 30 minutes and then rushed upstairs at the gym to a Pilates class. I really need some core work so this is one way I will get it and it is mentally much easier for me than weights. Saturday morning it was up early to get to spin class - it was "hills" so it could be as tough as you wanted it and then I went ahead and rode the 30 minutes between classes and rode the second class as well - all told it was 2 hours 55 minutes of riding so it was a good ride. Then capped the weekend today with a hour and 15 minute run. I feel really good especially considering the humidity and decent wind this morning. The temp was okay but the air was thick.

The new agent - the spin instructor yesterday announced to the class that I was doing Ironman AZ this year and raising money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. She even passed out the cards I had made to make people aware and to give them the website address to donate. (If you need it, just let me know....hint...hint...or if you want some cards to pass out just let me know). So "D" - you are my new agent...thanks for the announcement and all of your encouragement. Hopefully I will get some new readers as a result of your efforts. As you all know, I am compiling a list of people currently battling cancer as well as a list of those who have lost the battle to carry with me on race day. If you have a friend or loved one who has dealt with this disease, I would love to have them along for inspiration - their battle has been a lot more difficult than mine. Please send their names to and I will add them to the list. I would be honored.

Also, if you are reading this, feel free to tell everyone you know about it.

See you at the finish line.

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